Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Sowi arr.. ni menu dinner smlm :P

Selalu aku ni kureng sikit pasal ayam goreng2 camni kecuali ayam kay ep ci jer yg aku blasah! :)) tp sejak tengok kat umah dak LOVE yg semakin pandai pelbagaikan jenis masakan kat umah dia tu.. jadi teringat2 plak nak makan ayam goreng yogurt nih!.. sengaja beli plain yogurt yg tersangat larr x bleh ditelan tu.. kecuali...yg ada buah2an dlm dia tu.. ngeh3x.. untuk bikin ayam goreng ni.. nasib baik x xpired lagi ko! hehehhee....

Tapi memang x sempat nk perap lama larr.. sekadar 1/2 jam jer cenggitu.. nak cepat da... time to eat dinner oledi.. maaa... maklum ler.. mak2 bekerja ni... kelam kabut sikit time ni ler.. mana nak masak.. mana nak tengok anak wat homework, nak ngaji, nak makan, nak mandi, nak ngengada lagi.. phewwwwwwwwwww... macam2 ler.. so sll aku akan masak (kalo masak ler aritu.. :P ) yg simple2 jer.. yang penting sumer pewot kenyang... Alhamdulillah... :)

So dinner smlm.. nasi goreng & ayam goreng yogurt jer.. sape nk tambah salad pon adooo!! :)

Oh ya!.. thanks to LOVE for the recipe.. yummyyyyyyyyy!! i C&P the recipe here for my easy reference time, next day, next week, nxt month, next year? forever lah ye... hehehe teromputihs laks arini..


Ingredients :~

  • 1 whole chicken ~ cleaned and cut into medium sizes, drained.
  • 1 cup/250ml plain yogurt
  • 6 garlic cloves ~ finely pounded
  • 2 inches ginger ~ finely pounded
  • 1 tbsp paprika powder
  • 1 tbsp cayenne powder
  • salt to taste
  • 2 sprigs of curry leaves
  • 1.5 cups wheat flour ( u may also add some rice flour)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp cayenne powder
  • 1 tbsp paprika powder
  • a pinch of salt
  • lemon juice (optional)
  • cooking oil
Cooking Methods :~
  1. In a large bowl, marinate chicken together with all ingredients (A). Leave it aside for about 2-3 hours ( may also marinate overnight).
  2. Once marinating time is over, mix together Ingredients (B) in another large bowl..(u may also use a ziplock plastic bag for this).
  3. Meanwhile, heat oil in a wok. Make sure it's hot enough to fry (not smoky).
  4. Place marinated chicken pieces in the mixed flour, coat well and deep fry in oil till cooked. (if using ziplock plastic bag, put mixed flour in the bag..then add chicken pieces, zip it and shake well).
  5. Once cooked, remove chicken from wok, drain excessive oil. Squeeze some lemon juice over the fried chicken (optional).
  6. Yogurt Fried Chicken is ready to be served!
* the use of paprika and cayenne has been adjusted to my preference...u may add/ less the quantity.


  1. Kak Masz, love dah bawak bekas nak tapau nasi dan YFC! Uish, terliur tgk. Love tunggu sambil batuk2 ni dah. Uhuk uhuk!

  2. Love,
    alahaiiii.. dah abis larr love, akak goreng 4 ketul kepak ayam jer.. cukup sorang satu jer.. hehehhe.. lenkali ek.. x per.. tinggalkan jer tupperware tu nnt akak poskan kat love ye.. ngeeeeeeee :P org batuk mana bleh mkn yg goreng2 nih! :P
