Sunday, August 2, 2009


Entah kenapa tetiba teringin sesangat nk makan hainanese chicken rice ni..puas ler google tadi akhirnya aku buat ikut resipi yang ni..

Perghhh.. mmg larr senang giler weyhh nk buat, bahan2 pun terlalu simple senang sesangat dan hasilnya mmg x mengecewakan.. cuma biasa larr kan, ada satu2 bahan2 yg x de dlm stok kat umah ni.. aku substitute le ngan yang sewaktu dengan nya... myKing yg mmg x suka dengan nasi ayam senyum senang sambil puji suka ngan nasi ayam hainan ni.. dia kata cam nasi ayam hainan kat KL nun... ahakss... hmm nampak gaya lenkali bule le buat lagi guna resipi ni jika sesekali teringin nak makan nasi ayam... meh layan resipi tu kat sini ye.. dan kalo rajin try buat & rasa sendiri.. especially pada sesiapa yg suka ngan chinese food nih! ;) sila alih bahase sendiri ye.. ahakss :P nampak panjang tp sebenarnya bahan2 nya lebh kurang sama jer...


For the rice

Hainanese chicken

Chilli garlic sauce for dipping

Ginger sauce for dipping

Sauce for chicken



  1. First of all wash the rice then place it on to a tea towel or colander to dry. Then, prepare the chicken.Bring enough water to boil in a large pot.Once boil, add in the salt, ginger,garlic and chicken. Lower the heat and cook chicken for about 20 - 25 minutes, uncovered. It is very important to boil the chicken very slowly over low flame.Turn of flame and cover the pot. Allow the chicken to steep inside for another 20-25 minutes. Remove chicken and immerse it into a basin of cold water for 5-6 minutes.Take chicken out and drain in a colander to drip dry before cutting it into serving pieces.
  2. While the chicken is drip drying, prepare the rice.Heat up wok and add in the chicken fat and water.Bring to a low simmering boil until oil is released from the fat. Add in the ginger and garlic and fry well (without burning the garlic) Remove and discard the chicken fat and skin. Add in the rice that has been dried and salt and stir fry briskly about 1 - 2 minutes.Transfer rice into an electric rice cooker or pot. Add in the chicken broth from the boiled chicken together with the screwpine leaves if using.If cooking in a pot, cook over low flame stirring occasionally so as not to let the bottom of the rice burn.Boil until rice is cook.
  3. While the rice is cooking, you can prepare the chilli garlic sauce. Just add all ingredients into a blender or food processor, and give it a good whizz, until ingredients are well blended. Adjust the seasoning with more salt or sugar to taste.The chili garlic sauce can be kept in the refrigerator for about 2-3 days only.
  4. To prepare the ginger sauce is the same.give the ingredients a good whiz in the blender.What gives the extra oomph for the sauces is the stock from the chicken broth -- so, do not omit this ingredient.
  5. Lastly combine all the ingredients for the chicken sauce and pour it all over the cut up chicken. You can add more soya sauce and chicken broth to the chicken if you prefer. Just adjust the taste of the sauce with soya sauce and chicken broth.If you do not have garlic oil,you can fry a few cloves of garlic in oil for few minutes then take out oil and garlic pour it into a jar, and let the garlic steep inside the oil.
  6. Finally, garnish the chicken with the coriander leaves, spring onions and cucumbers.
  7. Enjoy meal with the rice and dipping sauces!


  1. Esh sedapnye nasik ayam nie... lapar plak tibe2 tgk ayam yg manyak tue... heheh

  2. Bestnya tengok nasi ayam ni. Nanti kalau I balik M'sia isnggah Kajang, bolehlah hidang nasi ayam 1 ye, hehehe

  3. blogresipi,
    hahahha.. kalo lapar x dapat ler nk kirim kat awak.. jauh sgt ler.. :P

    huh! ye larr tu nk dtg kajang, awaknyer schedule tu bz manjang.. kalo sudi datang bukan takat 1,sepiyok pon bole.. :P

  4. La!!! rebus je ke ayam tu kak? senangnya!! ingat nk kene stim apa bagai. wahhhh...kene try ni!

  5. menyelerakan nasi ayam ni..kak sina dah copy resepi....nak wat buka puasa hari ni....
