Saturday, March 14, 2009


Seperti yang dijanjikan (kat diri sendiri larr... ) mesti jugak buat sbb vitamin R ku merudum jatuh trus masuk gaung sejak 2 minggu lalu... :P dan atas sebab2 yg tertentu jugak kena larr buat jugak kalo x... heheheh.. x leh cakap!..syhhhh... :)

Justify FullAntara bijirin yg aku guna - rolled oat, milo cereal, peanut, choc rice bubble, choc rice, slice almond, white choc nips - yg ni lebih utk budak2 & mak budak (loyang besar) manakala loyang kecil tu utk myKing sbb ada letak black raisin (i x suka dried fruits sgt) :P

Maap ler LG.. i letak dulu larr ek gambo ala-ala step by step nk wat muesli slice ni.. sbb tetiba ghajin laks... harap2 sementara they all nk tunggu ur step by step nyer version.. bule ler tgk kat sini.. mmg senang giloss nk membuatnyer... neeway i C&P recipe jugak ya kat sini... :P thanks ya!

Basic Muesli slice


- 2 cups rolled oats (bukan yang instant utk buat porridge tu ye, yang kena masak nya ni)
-2 cups cereal ( cereal apa yang you nak guna, terpulang lah ye. I've used cheerios, honey cornflakes, rice bubbles, cocoa pops, bran flakes. Selalunya I guna 2-3 jenis cereals at one time so tak lah rasa boring sangat the muesli slice tu :-). Kalau nak guna your kids' cereals, make sure you ask their permission first, takut kang nangis pulak diaorang if Mummy habiskan all their cereals, hehehehe)
-60 g nuts, chopped up a bit ( I love almond in it. I tak pernah guna other nuts lagi. I think peanuts would be nice sebab lemak2 macam tu kan. But since Miss 5 is allergic to peanuts, I cuma guna almond aje lah. Kalau you tak suka nuts, gantikan dengan seeds)
- 50g dried fruits ( ini pun you can use whatever is available in your pantry. I've tried apricots, currants, sultanas and dates. For me, sultanas yang paling sedap)
-1/4 cups chocolate bits (optional, if you like chocolate only, hehehhe)
-150g butter
-1/4-1/2 cup honey
-1/4 cup brown sugar (optional- kalau you nak lagi manis or kalau you tak guna cereals yang manis. I tak pernah add.)


-Preheat oven to 180C. Line a lamington/slice pan (18cm x 25 cm) with baking paper and make sure the baking paper overhang a bit so senang nak angkat the slice tu nanti lepas masak.
-In a pot, add butter and honey (and brown sugar if using) and masak atas api sederhana hingga butter melted and sugar dissolved. Masak sampai menggelegak dan reduce kan api dan masak hingga butter mixture tu thickens a bit. Set it aside to cool down a bit.
-In a big bowl, masukkan rolled oats, cereals, dried fruit, choc bits and stir to combine.
-Pour the butter mixture into the oat mixture and stir until all combined and coated with butter mixture.
-Spread the muesli into the slice pan and tekan2 sikit bagi mampat and tak crumbly. Bake for 30 minutes and then cool completely in the pan.
-Bila dah sejuk, bolehlah masuk fridge dulu utk bagi dia firm sikit so senang nak potong. Kalau tak kisah the muesli a bit crumbly, boleh aje terus potong after dia dah cool down.
-Put the slice in airtight container so boleh lah tahan for a week. Maybe kalau kat M'sia, you might need to put it in the fridge kot sebab kat M'sia humid sikit.

p/s maybe if you want, you can try adding peanut butter to the butter mixture so jadi lagi sedap. I tak akan buat the peanut butter version sebab kesian kat Miss 5. But sure sedap kan dengan peanut butter sebab lemak masin and manis semua cukup, hehehehe.


  1. wah cam uncle toby's muesli bar!kak masz nanti singgah umah amik award yek!lebiuuu

  2. bagus bagus Masz dah letak step by step pictures, tak payah lah I letak lagi,hehehe. Dak Iqa makan tak muesli slice tu?

  3. Cat, uiks... bb x kuar lagi ke? hehhehe... sedap cat, berkhasiat pulak tu... ada award jugaks ek.. toce2... :)

  4. LG, hehehhe.. kebetulan terghajin laks nk amik pic tu.. dak iqa montel makan as bekfas dia smlm tu.. 4 ketul kata dia.. sedap larr tu kot!! i pulak bwk g opis sbg snack.. hehhehe non stop mngunyah... org mkn tuk seminggu.. i nyer 2 hari jer dh abis kot... kekekkekeke.. :) thnks LG!
