Friday, January 2, 2009


Hohoho... baru start taun baru 2009.. dah kena buat Tag @ homework... adeeehhh...

Tag @ Homework ni dibagi oleh Dr. Cat & Ustazah Azie... layannnn aarrr... :P

*Here are the rules*

-List these rules on your blog.
-Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
-Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
-Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
-Link the person who tagged you.
-Leave a comment for each blogger.

7even facts 'bout me:

1. Anak ke 8 dari 10 orang adik beradik

2. Isteri kepada En. Hairuddin

3. Seorang Ibu kepada sepasang cahayamata : Hazry (13) & Hazyqah (6)

4. Seorang yang simple tapi ada masanyer x simple.. kekkeke.. (paham ker??..) :P

5. Antara penghibur dalam keluarga sebab suka buat lawak/gelak - x suke gaduh²

Suke g jalan-jalan makan angin.. tp dpt suami pulak yg suke duk kat umah (camno tu? ) :P

7. Skunk ni suka main masak², kalo x nanti badan jd cepat lesu dan vit M.. membiak dgn cepat!. :P

6ix unspectacular quirks about me

1. Marah kalo tengok orang bawak anak² kecil tp x pakai otak - pikirkan ye... apa tu! :)

2. Cepat tersentuh ... ahaksss... :P

3. X ramai kawan kamceng sbb jenis yg " nak kawan, kawan, x nak kawan, sudah! " no hal.. :)
- berkawan mengikut masa dan keadaan kot! atau apa² aje larr... hehehehe.. tp suka berkawan..not lawan k! :)

4. Sejak minat main masak²... urusan kemas umah tolak kat myKing sbb dia lebih suka part tu! :P

Kalo x dapat apa yg dihajati.. x senang duduk.. kena pikir alternatif lain nk dptkan hajat tu! :P

6. ntah ek! x leh pikir dahhh.. sbb aku rasa aku... lu pikir sendiri larr... :P

7even people to be tagged

1. awak 2. awak 3. awak jugak 4. awak 5. awak 6. awak dannnn 7. awak jugakkkkk... hehehe..

Link the person who tagged you
Dr. Catlina @
Ustazah Azie @

Leave a comment for each blogger

kalo rajin buat ler tag ni.... aiman x kesahhhhh... :)

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