Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Tag Lagiiii - Dak Amy ni.. mcm² hal dia nk tau pasal kita.. dh tentu yg len pon nak korek gak rehseye kita niii!!! :P

Starting time : 3.50 pm
Name : Maszni Binti Abdul Rahman
Sisters : 6
Brothers : 3
Shoe size : 8/9
Height : 5’ 4”
Where do you live : Kajang, Selangor, mesia
Have you ever been on a plane : ya
Swam in the ocean : ya
Broken someone’s heart : ya
Fell off your chair : Nop
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : ya, mase tgh cintan cintun.
Saved e-mails : kdg² tp sll buat dek jer.. :P
What is your room like : room yg mana satu?? :P
What’s right beside you: nobody (member m.c)
What is the last thing you ate : Maggi Kari Cup.
Chicken pox : X tau mcm x penah kena je lagi.. :).
Sore throat : tgh kena larr ni...uwaaaa.. tekak ku berdarah u :(
Stitches : 3kALI
Broken nose : Never
Do you Believe in love at first sight : may b kot?! :P
Like picnics : Suka
Who was/were…The last person you danced with : x de kot?
Last made you smile : Ntah x hengat.. mase duk skodeng umah cyber member² kot! :P
You last yelled at: my son... suruh bangun tido pi beli bekfes pg tadi... (ibu dia x msk :P)
Today did you…Kissed anyone : My Dotter before g keje td..sian ada kesan calar merah kat pipi sbb jatuh kat bilikair mlm tadi :(
Get sick : yg mana satu??
Talk to an ex : x penah
Miss someone : miss my dotter... sbb sian kat dia smlm jatuh.
Who do you really hate: Ntah ler..mood berubah² skunk ni :(
Do you like your hand-writing : of course!!
Are your toe nails painted : never
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : ntah? Hotel kot!
What colour of shirts are you wearing now : not shirt but baju kurung kaler purple
Are you a friendly person : Depend..
Do you have any pets : Nop! Dont want..nnt susah nk balik kg!!muahahha..
Do you sleep with the TV on : samtaim.
What are you doing right now : godek tag ni ler... keje opis melambak nk kene buat ni!!!!! :(
Can you handle the truth : Agak²nyer?
Are you closer to your mother or father : mother.
Do you eat healthy : tgk mood! :P
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : x der
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : myKing/my pren.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : tgk mood gak.. :D
Are you confident : ntah ler..

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Dah Kawin 2 tahun
2. Anak baru sorang
3. Masih keje kat tpt yg sama
4. masih x nak tambah anak... takutt.. :P
5. masih ramping lagi kot?? Muahhaha..

5 things I would do if i were a billionaire:
Banyak nk buat bukan setakat 5... dah kayo bebonar larr tu kannnn..

5 of my bad habits:
1. Selalu dtg keje lewat..mengalahkan big boss..wakakka...
2. Suka tangguh keje tp setakat ni x penah nyusahkan sesapa.. ahakss..
3. Melambat² kan makan sampai kena ulser perut.. :(
4. Susah nk nyimpan duit.. bila ada jer.. mcm² nk beli.. padahal x penting sgt.. ;P
5. Suka bangun lambat kalo hari cuti.. :P

5 places I’ve lived/living
1. Kota Tinggi
2. Johor Bahru
3. Jalan Pudu, Kuala Lumpur
4. Kajang
5. x tau lagi.. oberci kot!! Wakakakka... (dlm mimpi..)

5 people I tag:
1. Hana
2. LG
3. Che’iza
4. Suha
5. Kak Ina

Sila buat ye... mak² dara....ahaksssss...jgn mare.... :P

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