Sunday, August 24, 2008


Alahaiiii.. sbnrnyer malu nak terima award ni, tp sbb azie dah mengikhtirafkan blogku ini the brillante weblog, dgn kembang kempisnyer idungku ini mengopipeskan AWARD .. terasa mcm artis lakss..ahakss.. TERIMA KASIH USTAZAH AZIE ...

Brilliant Weblog is a prize given to sites and blogs that are smart and brilliant both in their content and their design. The purpose of the prize is to promote as many blogs as possible in the blogsphere.Here are the rules to follow:1) Put the logo on your blog.2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.4) Add links to those blogs on yours.5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs

(sapa ek aku nk bg ni... fenin jugak ni..sbb akak baru jer masuk dunia blog nih!. jadinyer lom ronda² lagi.. hmmm.... :) tapi x per larr.. aku dgn bangganyer nak jugak bagi award ni kat bloggers yg aku terpegun dgn kebrilliant - an (ada ker perkataan ni.. :P ) diorg.. w/pon aku tau diorg dh ada award ni, harap² diorg sudi lerr : are the nominees ... jeng²...
1) Mat Gebu
2) Lemongrass
3) Sweetlilly
4) Joayee

Bagi penerima² award ni.. kalo dah penah dapat dari bloggers yg lain, x perlularr mengopypeskan lagi.. cuma aku nak bagi tau kat ngkorang yg aku sangat² teruja dengan blog² ngkorang tu...
Bagi yang x disebut nama tu... ngkorgnyer pon x kurang hebatnyer pon...cuma yg 7 tu mmg dlm my1st 7 larr ek!.. jadinyer sesama larr kita membrilliantkan diri k!..muahahhaha...

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